Can We Msw Logo

UCBLogo/MSWLogo sorts them on SAVE on the theory that that's better than random order. Some Logo dialects, such as Microworlds, don't have a workspace concept, but instead maintain a text buffer into which you place all definitions. If you prefer that style, you can do it in UCBLogo/MSWLogo by avoiding LOAD. How can I download MSW logo in Mobile? Press EDALL button. Type into the editor window so that it looks like this. On the editor window click FILE -save and exit. On the MSW logo screen window click FILE save as. Save in my documents, with the file name Chris (without the quotes. As an acronym, it is Masters of Social Work. MSWlogo, is a programming app. Explained online, in detail, under said name. Video on Exterior angles: on Polygon: on Circle of a given radius: Seamless REST/GraphQL API mocking library for browser and Node.js. msw/msw-logo.svg at master mswjs/msw.

The first few lessons taught us how to write programs that draw pictures.So far, all of our programs draw the black and white pictures.In this lesson, we are going to add colors to our pictures.

Logo gives you two ways to pick a color.One way is to pick a color from a set of 16 commonly used colors.Another way is to create your own color by mixing differentamounts of red, green, and blue.This gives you a choice of over 16 million different colors.

Pen Color and Screen Color

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You can change the color of the lines that the turtle draws with the SETPENCOLOR command.You can change the color of the screen (or background) withthe SETSCREENCOLOR command.

CommandExampleWhat Happens
SETPENCOLOR colorSETPENCOLOR 2Sets the color that the turtle draws to green.
SETSCREENCOLOR colorSETSCREENCOLOR 2Fills the entire screen with green. Anything on the screen will be erased. The turtle is not moved.

Color Index

The easy way to change the color of the turtle's pen is togive SETPENCOLOR a number from 0 - 15.Each number will set the turtle's pen to a different color,given in the table below.The number is called the 'color index'.

Color IndexColor Name[R G B]Color
0black[0 0 0]
1blue[0 0 255]
2green[0 255 0]
3cyan (light blue)[0 255 255]
4red[255 0 0]
5magenta (reddish purple)[255 0 255]
6yellow[255 255 0]
7white[255 255 255]
8brown[155 96 59]
9light brown[197 136 18]
10dark green[100 162 64]
11darkish blue[120 187 187]
12tan[255 149 119]
13plum (purplish)[144 113 208]
14orange[255 163 0]
15gray[183 183 183]

Activity:Draw a blue square on a yellow background.

What would happen if you switched the number that you gave to SETSCREENCOLOR and SETPENCOLOR? Try it and see.

What would happen if you gave SETSCREENCOLOR and SETPENCOLOR differentnumbers all-together? Try it and see.

What happens if you use a number that is larger than 15?

How do you get the colors back to normal (white screen and black pen)?

Red, Green, and Blue

What do we do if we want to use a color that is not in the color table?We can specify it using the colors red, green, and blue components.This is sometimes called an 'RGB value'.

How To Use Msw Logo Screen

Can We Msw Logo

Every color is the world is made up of red, green, and blue.Taken together, red, green, and blue are called 'the primary colors'because you can create every color just by mixing red, green, and bluetogether.

You may be thinking 'wait, I thought the primary colors were red, yellow and blue.'Well, that's partly true.Those are actually the 'primary pigment colors'.They are the primary colors when dealing with paint.Actually, the primary pigment colors aren't exactly red, yellow, and blue; they're magenta (a reddish-purple), yellow, and cyan (a light blue).But when you're dealing with light, the primary colors are red, green, and blue.

The reason why red, green, and blue are so important has nothing to do with physics or computers.It has to do with the structure of the human eye.The human eye contains three types of color receptors called 'cones'.One type of cone is sensitive to red light, another is sensitive to green light, and another is sensitive to blue light.The brain mixes the stimulus from each of these types of cones and creates the perception of colors.

That's all very interesting, but what does this have to do with Logo?Well, Logo lets you specify colors in terms of red, green, and blue.By using RGB values, you can pick any of the colors in the table above and more that 16 million others.Instead of specifying a number from 0 - 15, you specify a triple ofnumbers, like this 'SETPENCOLOR [187 187 187]'.


Let's write a program that draws a blue square on a yellow background.But this time, let's use RGB values, instead of a color index.

Try changing the numbers in the square bracket and see what happens.

Activity:Experiment with SETPENCOLOR and SETSCREENCOLOR to create your own interesting pictures.You can start with any program from the other lessons andinsert a SETSCREENCOLOR command near the beginning,or insert a SETPENCOLOR command just before the turtle moves.

Sample Programs

Can We Msw Logo

The commands instruct the turtle in Logo to draw on the screen.

Can We Msw Logo Free

FD numberMoves the turtle forward by number pixel. Example: FD 100
BK numberMoves the turtle back by number pixel. Example: BK 100
RT angleTurns the turtle towards the right side in clockwise direction. Example: RT 90
LT angleTurns the turtle towards the left side in anti-clockwise direction. Example: LT 90
PULifts turtle’s pen from the screen so that the turtle can move without drawing a line.
PDPuts turtle’s pen down on the screen so that the turtle can continue drawing.
PESets the turtle’s pen to erase mode. After PE the FD and BK commands will erase the line.
PENNORMAL Sets the turtle to normal mode and cancels erase mode.