Ghostscript Commercial License Price

  • A commercial driver's license (CDL) is a driver's license required to operate large, heavy, or placarded hazardous material vehicles for commercial purposes in the United States. Several types of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) require a driver to hold a valid CDL.
  • Ghostscript Commercial License; How much does it cost to distribute ghostscript commercially? To use ghostscript in a commercial settings. You need to have a license. May 25, 2017 - Open source (sometimes called “copyleft”) licenses typically provide that. To purchase the commercial (paid) license for Ghostscript before.
Conditions to distribute Ghostscript in a commercial context

Table of contents

This document sets forth the conditions under which Ghostscript may bedistributed in a commercial context: under a written license fromArtifex Software Inc., Aladdin Enterprises'exclusive commercial licensing partner, or under certain other very limitedconditions.

For other information, see the Ghostscriptoverview.

More information about Ghostscript is available here. Download light weight Ghostscript distribution here Download light weight Xpdf distribution here 1. If you still run Windows NT 4. Before you dive bullzzip the FAQ section you may want to take a quick look at the general license information. Pilot Certificate Cost Student Pilot $75 – $200 (for medical certificate) Sport Pilot $4,400 Recreational Pilot $6,500 Private Pilot $10,000 Commercial Pilot $30,000 Flight Instructor $5,000 Airline Transport Pilot $5,000 Drone Pilot $0 – $450 Exciting as it may be, learning how to fly aircraft expends money. A lot of it, sometimes. You do not need a commercial license from Artifex. GPL Ghostscript is a software package that bundles interpreters for PostScript languages and PDF files, as well as a collection of C procedures for implementing filtering and graphics.

Ghostscript is a copyrighted work whose copyright is owned by AladdinEnterprises. Some versions of Ghostscript are distributed freely under thename Aladdin Ghostscript; these versions are always distributed with alicense, called the Aladdin Free Public License(also known as the AFPL), which permits Aladdin Ghostscript to beredistributed freely under certain conditions. These conditions willalmost always be met easily by individuals in their personal use of AladdinGhostscript. Aladdin Ghostscript may be used freely, including bycommercial entities for evaluation or unsupported internal use. However,distribution for commercial purposes of Ghostscript, or anythingcontaining or derived from Ghostscript in whole or in part, generallyrequires a written commercial license from ArtifexSoftware Inc., the sole entity authorized by Aladdin Enterprises togrant such licenses. More specifically, the AFPL states:

Distribution of the Program or any work based on the Program by acommercial organization to any third party is prohibited if any payment ismade in connection with such distribution, whether directly (as in paymentfor a copy of the Program) or indirectly (as in payment for some servicerelated to the Program, or payment for some product or service thatincludes a copy of the Program 'without charge'; these are only examples,and not an exhaustive enumeration of prohibited activities). However, thefollowing methods of distribution involving payment shall not in and ofthemselves be a violation of this restriction:
the organization complies with the other provisions of theAFPL, which include among other things a requirement to distribute thefull source code of Aladdin Ghostscript and of any derived work, and todistribute the AFPL itself along with Aladdin Ghostscript;
the only charge for downloading Aladdin Ghostscript is a chargebased on the distribution service and not one based on the content of theinformation being retrieved (i.e., the charge would be the same forretrieving a random collection of bits of the same size);
the server or BBS is accessible to the general public, i.e.,the phone number or IP address is not kept secret, and anyone may obtainaccess to the information (possibly by paying a subscription or access feethat is not dependent on or related to purchasing anything else).

Similarly, the exception in clause (ii) is intended to allow inclusion ofAladdin Ghostscript on 'freeware' CD-ROMs that contain only material thatis in the public domain, or is freely redistributable provided only that acopyright notice is retained (such as the Independent JPEG Grouplibraries), or is distributed under some other kind of license allowingfree redistribution such as the GNUGeneral Public License.

If you want to distribute software in a commercial context thatincorporates Ghostscript and you do not want to meet theseconditions, you should contact Artifex Software tofind out about commercial licensing. Commercial licenses involve a(negotiated) payment, and include support and other benefits. These arethe only ways you legally can distribute Ghostscript or anything containingGhostscript: either by distributing Aladdin Ghostscript under therequirements of the AFPL, or by getting a commercial license from ArtifexSoftware.


For commercial licensing, please contact:

Licensing Information
Artifex Software Inc.
454 Las Gallinas Ave., suite 108
San Rafael, CA 94903 U.S.A.
+1-415-492-9861 telephone
+1-415-492-9862 fax

If you have questions about the information in this document, pleasecontact:

Aladdin Enterprises
203 Santa Margarita Ave.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 U.S.A.
+1-650-322-0103 telephone (8:30-12:00, Monday-Friday US Pacific time)
+1-650-322-1734 fax

Older versions of Ghostscript (versions of 4.03 and previous) weredistributed with a license called the GNUGeneral Public License(also known as the 'GNU License', the 'GPL', or the 'copyleft'), whichallowed distribution with commercial products under certain conditions.Aladdin Enterprises may choose to distribute other versions of Ghostscriptwith the GPL in the future; however, these versions will be identified as'GNU Ghostscript.' The remainder of this section applies only to versionsidentified explicitly as GNU Ghostscript versions; the generic nameGhostscript, when applied to versions above 4.03, refers to AladdinGhostscript, which is governed by the Aladdin Free Public License, not theGPL.

The full GPL is included under the nameCOPYING in the GNU Ghostscript fileset, andcan also be obtained directly from the Free Software Foundation:

Free Software Foundation, Inc. (FSF)
59 Temple Place, Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A.
+1-617-542-5942 telephone
+1-617-542-2652 fax (including Japan):

or in Japan by free dial fax:

0031-13-2473 (KDD)
0066-3382-0158 (IDC)

The GPL gotten directly from the FSF or the contents of theCOPYING file are authoritative, but for thoseunfamiliar with the GPL, we now summarize its provisions.

Provision (1) makes it much harder to have a commercial business based onlyon selling copies of GNU Ghostscript (as distributed with the GPL) orproducts that contain GNU Ghostscript, since any customer is free to makeas many copies as they want for any purpose. Provision (2) effectivelyprevents the development of proprietary commercial products thatincorporate GNU Ghostscript without a commercial license as a part, sincethese are 'derived works' in the legal sense.

Questions have arisen at times in particular cases regarding provision (3)as to whether GNU Ghostscript is 'aggregated' with other parts of acommercial product, or whether the product has become a 'derived work.'Normally, combining GNU Ghostscript with another piece of software createsa 'derived work'; we consider GNU Ghostscript to be 'aggregated' withanother piece of software, which we will refer to as 'the application',only if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The code and documentation for GNU Ghostscript are physicallyseparated from the code and documentation for the application. Forelectronic form, it is both necessary and sufficient to put the GNUGhostscript code and documentation in their own directory tree(s).
  • GNU Ghostscript, as delivered with the application, is usableindependently of the application. More precisely, if a user deletes fromthe computer system all files delivered with the application except thosein the GNU Ghostscript directories, the user will still be able to use GNUGhostscript as described in GNU Ghostscript's documentation. Among otherthings, this requires that GNU Ghostscript not call any routines in theapplication, and not require any data or other files supplied as part ofthe application.
  • The application calls GNU Ghostscript in a way that allows an ordinaryuser to substitute another program for GNU Ghostscript. (Typically thisrequires use of a shell script or batch file, or a system call like'exec'.) More precisely, if the user deletes from thecomputer system all the files in the GNU Ghostscript directories, andreplaces the GNU Ghostscript executable with another program with the samename and conforming to the same documentation, the application willcontinue to work with it. One implication of this is that the GNUGhostscript documentation must specify all properties of GNU Ghostscript onwhich the application relies; for example, if GNU Ghostscript has beenmodified by the addition of command line switches or language elements suchas new operators, the documentation must describe any such additions thatthe application uses.
  • The conditions of the GPL are met with respect to GNU Ghostscript,including the requirement for propagation of the GPL and the requirementfor delivering (or an offer to deliver) source code.

Regarding this last point, the GPL clearly intends that if the distributoronly offers to provide the GNU Ghostscript source code (as opposed toactually distributing the source code with every copy of the application),then they must deliver the source code in a timely way to anyonerequesting it.

The GPL makes it clear that if someone receives GNU Ghostscript only inits GPL-licensed form, they only have a right to distribute it if theycomply with the GPL. Aladdin Enterprises, as the copyright holder, takesthis requirement very seriously, and will, if necessary, take legal actionto ensure that anyone distributing GNU Ghostscript with the GPL complieswith the conditions set forth above.


Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.

This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. See theAladdin Free Public License (the 'License') forfull details of the terms of using, copying, modifying, and redistributingAladdin Ghostscript.

Ghostscript version 6.0, 3 February 2000

GNU Ghostscript

Table of Contents

Introduction to GNU Ghostscript

Ghostscript is the name of a set of software that provides:

  • An interpreter for the PostScript language and the PDF file format,
  • A set of C procedures (the Ghostscript library) that implement the graphics capabilities that appear as primitive operations in the PostScript language, and
  • A wide variety of output drivers for various file formats and printers.

Ghostscript was originally written by Peter Deutsch.

The original Ghostscript program is maintained by a group ofdevelopers from Artifex Software Inc.Henry Stiles and Ray Johnston are the main developers.

GNU Ghostscript is maintained by a team of GNU programmers. The GNU version ofthe software is a distribution of the Ghostscript project from Artifex Software.

GNU Ghostscript is known to run on the following platform families:

  • A wide variety of Unix systems using X Window version 11, release 4, 5, and 6, including Sun-3, Sun-4, Sun-386i, and Sun SPARCStation; generic machines running GNU/Linux, 386/ix, ISC Unix, SCO Unix, and Solaris; H-P 9000/300 and 9000/800; DECStation 2100 and 3100; VAX running Ultrix and OSF/1; Sequent Symmetry; Convex C1 and C2; Tektronix 4300; SGI Iris Indigo;
  • Sun workstations (Sun-3, SPARC, Sun-386i) running SunView;
  • VAX or AXP systems running VMS with X11R4/5 and DEC C or gcc.

Obtaining GNU Ghostscript

GNU Ghostscript is a copyrighted work; it is distributed underthe GNU General Public License. Youcan get the current version of GNU Ghostscript by Internet FTP from any of the GNU distribution sites; likely, alpha versions may be available on


The Ghostscript source code distribution requires the jpeg library,the zlib compression library, optionally the libpng image format library,Jasper (for JPEG2000 format support), expat, freetype, jbig2dec, lcms and tiff.The versions eventually included in the distribution sources contain somemodifications essentials to Ghostscript and not included upstream for the moment.


Distribution Examples

GNU Ghostscript documentation is distributed with the source packages.

Mailing Lists/Newsgroups

Ghostscript Commercial License Price

The GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)

The main GNU Ghostscript mailing list is<> (subscribe) (archive).
It is used to discuss all aspects of GNU Ghostscript, including development and porting.

Discussion about GNU Ghostscript and Ghostview can be found in theUSENET gnu.ghostscript.bug newsgroup.

Getting involved

Please remember that development of GNU Ghostscript is a volunteer effort, and you can also contribute to its development. For information about contributing to the GNU Project, please read How to help GNU.

Request an Enhancement
If you would like any new feature to be included in future versions of GNU Ghostscript, please send a request to <>.
Report a Bug
If you think you have found a bug in GNU Ghostscript, then you should send as complete a report as possible to <>.
GNU Ghostscript development is done on the appropiate savannah project.
GNU Ghostscript is currently maintained by Didier Link (<>) and José E. Marchesi (<>).

Additional Information

  • GV allows to view and navigate through PostScript and PDF documents on an X display by providing a user interface for the ghostscript interpreter.