Google Photos Photos Library

  1. Google Photos Backup Apple Photos Library Metadata
  2. Google Photos Image Library

Google Photos is an awesome photo backup application provided by Google Inc. It has a useful smart search that allows you to find any photo in your library without any major problem. Unfortunately, there are some issues that don't work as expected. But, all these issues are fixable.


Select Photos to Save. As a basic feature of Google Photos, this is quite simple. Open the Google Photos app on your smartphone. Tap the desired photo. Now tap the three dots icon in the top-right corner of the screen. Tap “Download.”. The photos should now download from Google Photos to your phone’s default gallery.

Here are the Six Issues With Google Photos And How To Fix Them:

Google Photos Backup Apple Photos Library Metadata

By default, the photos in the shared library are not added to the person's main feed of Google Photos, but you can make that happen or just for photos of specific people. Go to Settings Shared. Depending on the size of your photos library your Google Photos export may take a few days. Once you’ve got everything set the way you like, click Create export. Now all you’ve got to do is wait.

  • The first issue is related to uploading speed. If you have a hundreds of photos to upload in your hard disk, then it will take time to upload them one by one. So, you can avoid waiting for a longer time by using 'Google Photos Back' i.e. desktop uploader. You just need to download the desktop application from Google Photos website and sign in to your account. The application will prompt you with folders to backup and the resolution in which you want to upload the photos. If you choose to upload at full size, then it will take your Google Drive storage space. If you choose High Quality, then it will upload unlimited photos with free storage. High Quality is a great visual quality at reduced file size.

  • The second issue is with the way Google handled their unlimited storage feature. This means, it uploads with unlimited storage, but it is not retroactively applied. The photos that were previously uploaded at full resolution will continue to take up space in your Google Drive. If your storage space is full, then you need to upgrade your account. You can upgrade your free account to a paid monthly subscription plan for more storage space. It offers 100GB space for $2/month, 1TB space for $10/month and 10TB space for $100/month and this storage space is shared with other Google services.

  • When you search for photos in Google Photos, it relies on photo recognition as well as the location where the photo was taken along with the metadata of each photo. If you want the Search feature in Google Photos, then you need to turn ON location saving from the camera app. So you can search your photos including the location where you took them. eg. Vacation photos in New York.

  • Google Drive works with Google Photos, so you can view and manage your photos and videos in both Google Drive and Google Photos. The Google Photos services offers the option to sync the photos you backup into folder inside Google Drive. If you have installed Google Drive on your computer, you can get all your photos to be available from your desktop computer and photos will be synced seamlessly. But, this will take up your hard drive space, as the photos backed up into the cloud as well as take space on your computer. If you want to save space, you need to manually delete them or stop them from syncing. To stop photos from syncing, just turn Off the feature from the 'General Settings located in the Google Drive desktop suite.

  • Google Photos allows you to quickly select and manage all your photos, delete photos, recover photos and much more. What if you deleted a lot of photos accidentally? Google Photos will keep your deleted photos for 60 days in the Trash bin. You can restore your deleted photos from Trash bin within 60 days.

  • Google Photos allows you to sort photos into folders, which depend on the application that created or downloaded them. It automatically backs up photos unless you directly set the application not to. It allows you to turn Off backup for individual folders, if you don't want your Google Photos library to be filled with screenshots. To do so, go to Device folders section and tap the Cloud icon located at the right of the folder's name.

Quick Tip to Prevent Photo loss Nightmare with PicBackMan

In the case of losing irreplaceable memories like treasured family photos, it can even be heartbreaking. Luckily, with PicBackMan backing up your photos to multiple services and cloud accounts is easier than ever before. PicBackMan can save you from the absolute disaster of losing your photos by safely backing them up in one or more online accounts.

Using the Google Photos Library API your app can read, write, and share photos and videos inGoogle Photos.

The Library API is a RESTfulAPI with JSON payload. The structureof the API is based on the product concepts of Google Photos:

  • Library: media stored in the user'sGoogle Photos account.
  • Albums: media collections which can beshared with other users.
  • Media items: photos, videos, andtheir metadata.
  • Sharing: feature that enables users toshare their media with other users.
Try our Google Photos APIs Codelab. This codelab walks you through building a mobile application that uses the sharing and upload functionality of the Google Photos Library API in Flutter.


Like other Google REST APIs, the Library API uses OAuth2.0 to handle authorization.Your app can request access to the user's Google Photos library via thevarious authorizationscopes provided by theAPI.

Note that the Library API does not support service accounts; to use thisAPI, users must be signed in to a valid Google Account.

Using the Library API

Before you get started on your app development, keep the following in mind:

  • UX guidelines for designing your app
  • The Library API limits andquotas

Explore the API

Google photos photos library size

To try out the Library API without writing any code, use the API Exploreravailable in the reference documentation.

Here are some methods to try using the API Explorer:

  • List your albums.
  • Apply filters to a media itemsearch.

Check out our code sample that shows some of the keyfeatures of the Library API.

Partner program

You can integrate with the Google Photos Library API without joining the partner program.However, if your app is likely to exceed the general availability quotalimit, or if you require acommercial agreementto use the Library API, express interest in the Google Photospartner program.

Learn more

Google Photos Image Library

Some places to go from here:

  • Get started: configure your project andtry out the sample.
  • Guides: the how-to guides and concepts aroundusing the Library API.
  • Reference: the API reference documentation
  • Support: the support options forrequesting help or giving feedback.