Paragon Ntfs Alternative


Microsoft exFAT/NTFS for USB by Paragon Software (Package Name: com.paragon.tcpluginsntfsro) is developed by Paragon Technologie GmbH and the latest version of exFAT/NTFS for USB by Paragon Software was updated on December 30, 2020. ExFAT/NTFS for USB by Paragon Software is in the category of Tools. Here's a subset of the NTFS list in Richard Austin's Blog Champion's discussion of OS X file system choices: Tuxera - I've used this program with no issues in Lion and Mountain Lion; Paragon - site claims to support Mountain Lion, personally haven't used; OSX Fuse - a freeware successor, don't know if it works with Mountain Lion, personally.

Last March, Paragon Software, a proprietary file system provider freed A series of anti-open source FUD streams related to Samsung-derived exFAT implementation have entered the Linux kernel.A few months later, Paragon seems to have seen the error in its approach, and it has started The arduous process of incorporating its own implementation of Microsoft NTFS (the default file system for all Windows machines) into the kernel.

Although Paragon is clearly still trying to align its processes and practices with open source-friendly processes and practices, the Linux kernel BDFL Linus Torvalds seems to have a personal interest in this process.After nearly a year of hard work by Paradox, Torvalds continues to gently Nudge It works with skeptical Linux developers to keep the project moving forward.

Paragon Ntfs Alternative

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Why is Paragon?

For those who are familiar with the daily use of Linux, the effectiveness of Paragon’s version of NTFS may not be obvious. The Linux kernel already has an NTFS implementation, and most distributions are very easy to install and use another FUSE-based implementation (ntfs-3g).

However, both existing implementations have problems. The kernel implementation of NTFS is very old, poorly maintained, and can only be used in read-only mode. Therefore, most people who really need to mount NTFS file systems on Linux use the ntfs-3g driver.

The state of Ntfs-3g is quite good-it is much newer than the ntfs implementation in the kernel, and as a Linux file system master Ted Ts’o Point out, It actually passes more automated file system tests than Paragon’s own ntfs3.

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Unfortunately, the performance of ntfs-3g is very bad because it runs in user space instead of in the kernel. In Ts’o’s test, Paragon’s ntfs3 completed the automated test in 8,106 seconds-but the FUSE-based ntfs-3g took an astonishing 34,783 seconds.

Errors and performance aside, continuous maintenance is a key aspect of Paragon ntfs3 getting it into the kernel. Torvalds believes that “Paragon should only be [ntfs3]”–But he did this after noticing that the code should be approved by the current maintainer and Paragon itself should maintain the code. (Paragon developer Konstantin Komarov quickly replied that once accepted, the company intends to continue maintaining the code. )


Why not Paragon?

Although Torvalds himself seems to have a positive attitude towards Paragon’s ntfs3 driver mainline, as do some other users and developers, there are still some people who worry about correctly integrating Paragon and its workflow into the kernel development community and meeting the standards of that community.

Ted Ts’o-The core maintainer of the Linux ext3/ext4 file system, and the e2fsprogs user space utility for managing them-seems to be the most critical.In addition to the slightly higher number of failed automated tests he found in Paragon’s code, he also pointed out other problems, such as the entire system deadlock If ntfs3 is under too much pressure, it will pop up. (This is also a question we have heard from people who bought Paragon ntfs3 over the years.)

Ts’o also asked about maintenance and communication. He said: “If *someone* from Paragon Software responds to Darrick, I will feel better [Wong] And my inquiries about their quality assurance, and/or promise that they will at least *try* to solve the problems that arise when using fstests for about 5 minutes of testing. “

Another developer, Darrick Wong, added that he wants to ensure that Paragon is invested in maintenance to move forward so that ntfs3 will not “become like One of the same dilapidated Linux file system drivers [the current in-kernel ntfs].”

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The way forward

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Although Ts’o and Wong are skeptical, we generally expect Paragon’s ntfs3 will eventually be included.So far, the company has been working for a year, extracting its code from 27,000 lines of code Over the wall Enter the Linux-ready patch set-although the main developer Komarov may not always respond as quickly or thoroughly as Ts’o and Wong like, he does continue to respond.

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For himself, Torvalds seems determined to find a high-performance, modern, and maintainable alternative to the old (2001 era) and rarely used ntfs implementation in the kernel. As long as Paragon is still willing to continue playing, it seems that it will eventually get there—maybe even catch up with the 5.15 kernel.