Scp 3008 Game

SCP-3008: A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA

Scp 3008 Game Gameplay

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Dec 14, 2017 SCP-3008 in premise sounds like a fantastic idea, stuck in an endless IKEA and just wandering aimlessly until the store closes at which point the stores staff turn evil and try to kill you where you must run and hide or barricade yourself in using the furniture. This all sounds like a fantastic comedy horror game, like Five Night’s at Freddy’s except with a more Swedish furniture feel. SCP 3008 is a VSH/Arena map based off of the cursed retail unit SCP-3008. Once inside you find yourself translocated to SCP-3008-1, a large warehouse with no exit in sight. Instances of SCP-3008-2 move around the warehouse driving forklift trucks, you'd be wise to avoid them. 1 Overview 2 Organization 3 Trivia 4 Gallery The Map Layout of SCP-3008 is organized in a grid of 7x7 towers, each one with small plots around them. The map shown on the right shows the layout of a default map: the light squares represent plots, and the black squares represent pillars. The pillar names and numbers, when unchanged, range from A1 to G7. Most pillars (36 of them) will have an.

SCP-3088 - A town whose laws become reality.
SCP-3688 - Dancing, and the superpowers gained from it.
SCP-4144 - You think that's breakfast you're eating?
SCP-4533 - This is the future capitalists want.

You can find more of my stuff here!

Item #: SCP-3008

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: The retail park containing SCP-3008 has been purchased by the Foundation and converted into Site-██. All public roads leading to or passing by Site-██ have been redirected.

The entrance to SCP-3008 is to be monitored at all times, and no one is to enter SCP-3008 outside of testing, as permitted by the Senior Researcher.

Humans exiting SCP-3008 are to be detained and then debriefed prior to the administration of amnestics. Dependent upon the duration of their stay in SCP-3008, a cover story may need to be generated prior to their release.

Any other entities exiting SCP-3008 are to be terminated.

Description: SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1. This displacement will typically go unnoticed as no change will occur from the perspective of the victim; they will generally not become aware until they try to return to the entrance.

SCP-3008-1 is a space resembling the inside of an IKEA furniture store, extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit. Current measurements indicate an area of at least 10km2 with no visible external terminators detected in any direction. Inconclusive results from the use of laser rangefinders has led to the speculation that the space may be infinite.

SCP-3008-1 is inhabited by an unknown number of civilians trapped within prior to containment. Gathered data suggests they have formed a rudimentary civilisation within SCP-3008-1, including the construction of settlements and fortifications for the purpose of defending against SCP-3008-2.

SCP-3008-2 are humanoid entities that exist within SCP-3008-1. While superficially resembling humans they possess exaggerated and inconsistent bodily proportions, often described as being too short or too tall. They possess no facial features and in all observed cases wear a yellow shirt and blue trousers consistent with the IKEA employee uniform.

SCP-3008-1 has a rudimentary day-night cycle, determined by the overhead lighting within the space activating and deactivating at times consistent with the opening and closing times of the original retail store. During the 'night' instances of SCP-3008-2 will become violent towards all other lifeforms within SCP-3008-1. During these bouts of violence they have been heard to vocalise phrases in English that are typically variations of 'The store is now closed, please exit the building'. Once 'day' begins SCP-3008-2 instances immediately become passive and begin moving throughout SCP-3008-1 seemingly at random. They are unresponsive to questioning or other verbal cues in this state, though will react violently if attacked.

SCP-3008-1 is known to have one or more exits located within, though these exits do not appear to have a fixed position, making it difficult to leave SCP-3008-1 once inside. Using any other door besides the main entrance to enter the structure or breaking through the walls of the retail unit leads into the non-anomalous interior of the original store.

Since containment began 14 individuals have managed to exit SCP-3008. Following extensive debriefing all individuals have been administered amnestics and released.

Incident 3008-1: At 00:37 on ██/██/200█ a human male exited SCP-3008, followed 10 seconds later by an instance of SCP-3008-2. SCP-3008-2 caught and killed the man before itself being terminated by armed response personnel. This incident represents the only time an instance of SCP-3008-2 has been seen exiting SCP-3008. A full autopsy on the corpse was performed; see 3008-2 Autopsy Log for more details.

The man was carrying an IKEA-branded journal seeming to document his time in SCP-3008-1, transcribed below verbatim.

All pictures in the forums must be placed under a collapsible. - WrongJohnSilver


Explore the post-apocalyptic lands full of strange creatures.
The Foundation has lost almost all footage and documents about SCP-093 and other SCPs. It's your task to enter that world again, after years, to take photos and recover items.

  • Experience the parallel world of SCP-093
  • Use your camera to save photos or discover secrets
  • Re-visit the locations of the color tests: Blue, Green, Violet, Yellow, Red


After hours, you're sure that it was not a bad joke, or that you're a terrible navigator: You are trapped inside Ikea.
The good news: You frequently find food. The bad news: There are mutated staff members that restock restaurants during the day but try to kill you during the night.
Fight for your survival by building a furniture fort, storing items and killing the staff.

  • Infinite, randomly generated Ikea
  • Pick up and move chairs, tables, lamps and more to protect yourself from the staff
  • Survive as many days as you can

Scp 3008 Game Multiplayer

Development status:

SCP-093: Main project. Revamped blue test almost done. (Progress will speed up a lot after the blue test since all backend work is done)

SCP-3008: Side project. Started around 10 days ago. Has the level generator, furniture, building system, day/night cycle, and more.



Patreon: Patreon
Reddit: SCP-093 game subreddit
Trello: SCP-093 Trello / SCP-3008 Trello + Downloads

Scp 3008 Game Download

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