Sims 2 Love Bed Mod

1.) Bed Wetting– Love this. Gives children who have either low aspiration or were not potty trained to receive a memory of wetting the bed. Can go to teenagers too if they wet the bed as a child. 2.) Children can get bottles for their siblings. The mod itself only works on Maxis made fridges 3.). This mod is a fix for a glitch that removes the sun from The Sims 2 altogether. It will bring back the light in your sim days. Dollar Bills, Y’all. Best Sims 2 Mods 2021. This mod is a skin. Hi there, I am currently in the process of transferring all my Sims 2 stuff to my new website All Things Sims 2. Right now my only goals are to just work and process on specifically mods for The Sims 2 but no new Sims 2 content will be added to this website. 6.) Simsky's 'No Pets Flower Beds' mods (pets will not destroy your flowers)– What it says. Sims 2 Love Bed Mods. Bathing & Hygiene Mods 1.) Dog Bathtub Only– Now no sharing a bathtub with the dog! 2.) Pets Beds Stay Clean– This mod prevents pets beds from getting dirty, this is a global mod so it should work with all dog houses, etc.

  1. Sims 2 Love Bed Mod Cc
  2. Sims 2 Love Rug
  3. Sims 2 Love Bed Mod Sims 4

Remove mods before official updates to 'The Sims' and check mods one by one to make sure they are compatible with new game patches. If you like a modder's work, continue supporting them to help them keep making and updating their mods. First Love in The Sims 4. In the official The Sims 4 game, love is for teens or older people.

Shared Parenting Paid Time Off

This global mod allows adults to share paid time off (PTO) (aka vacation days) while looking after the kids.

The original concept of this mod was to enable new parents to divide the three days of PTO received on the birth of a child between them.

Newlyweds, Arun and Abby, who both work Monday to Friday, have a new (post-honeymoon) 'bundle of joy', Alan. Regardless of whether you have a mod that permits either parent to receive the maternity leave, one parent gets all the PTO - let's assume it's Abby.

Both parents are eager to help raise Alan, so on Monday, Abby stays home while Arun goes to work. Abby gets paid, using a day of her PTO. On Tuesday, Abby goes to work, while Arun stays home. Under normal circumstances, Arun would receive a message one hour before his coming home time that he'd missed a day of work and his job performance would decrease. With this mod, that message will not appear. Instead one day of PTO will be transferred from Abby to Arun, and Arun will be paid using that day of PTO.

Abby comes home from work and is promoted, her next promotion requires skills and friends, so on Wednesday she stays home to look after Alan and invites neighbours round (ostensible to coo over the new baby, but really to make new friends), while Arun goes to work. Abby will get paid, using her last day of maternity PTO.

The transfer of PTO will happen without regard to where the PTO came from, so ...

On Wednesday night when Arun comes home, he has now worked enough days to gain a day of PTO. On Thursday, when Abby stays home to look after Alan (who is now a toddler) and hone her skills for the next promotion, she will not receive the message about missing work, but will use Arun's day of PTO and be paid.

The original concept has been extended, and adults that can receive PTO from either parent of any children in the household are

  • the other parent of the child
  • an adult in a relationship (engaged/married) to a parent of the child
  • a parent of a parent of the child (grandparent)
  • a child of a parent of the child (sibling)
  • either adult if there are only two adults in the household
  • a card-carrying carer

For c and d, the common parent must have PTO. For example, Tanya, the teen half-sister of toddler Tommy, can only use PTO from Tyron (their common father) and not from Trisha (her step-mother)

PTO will only ever be taken from a parent of a child, but who can receive that PTO and what Sim life-states are considered as a child is configurable

By default, Sim babies, Sim toddlers and Sim children are all 'children'. There are options to exclude Sim children and Sim toddlers

By default, Sim adults, Sim young adults and Sim elders are 'adults'. There is an option to include Sim teens as 'adults'.

If both parents have available PTO, the one with the highest number of days will give up a day to the carer.


Example 1: Newlyweds Connor and Claire have a new baby (thanks InTeen risky honeymoon!), the PTO has been assigned to Claire, but as she's about to get a promotion, she goes to work leaving Connor at home to change nappies. Instead of receiving the 'Connor missed work today ...' message, one day of PTO is transferred from Claire to Connor and Connor takes a day of paid vacation.

Example 2: Janet and Sharon are sisters and live in their (dead) parent's house with their partners John and Simon (respectively) and their bundles of joy James and Sophie (respectively). As a result of a drunken one-night stand, John is the biological father of both James and Sophie. John and Simon have recently changed jobs and have no current PTO, Janet has 3 days of PTO and Sharon has 5 days of PTO. On Monday, Janet, Sharon and Simon go to work, leaving John to babysit. Instead of getting the 'John missed work today ...' message, a day of PTO will be transferred from Sharon (as she has more PTO than Janet) to John and he will take a day of vacation. On Tuesday, Janet, Sharon and John go to work, leaving Simon to babysit. As he is not the biological father of either child, nor is he engaged/married to Sharon, he will get the 'Simon missed work today ...' message and suffer the resulting loss of job performance.

Sims 2 love bed mod cc

Example 3: Richard and Rachel have adopted a toddler, Ryan. Rachel has no accrued PTO while Richard has 5 days PTO. Richard goes to work, leaving Rachel and Ryan to go shopping and then on to the park. Rachel will not receive the 'Rachel missed work today ...' message as, despite not being the biological parent of Ryan, the game recognises her as his legal parent and so a day of Richard's PTO will be transferred to Rachel.

Shared Parenting Planner

The planner looks like a calendar (see image 2) and can be found under Misc -> Misc and costs $0

Having a sim click on the planner brings up various options (see image 4) all with sub-options. If there are multiple planners on the lot (eg one in the nursery and one in the kitchen) they will sync among themselves as options are changed

Options - General

The 'General ...' menu item has two entries that control the basic functionality of the mod (see image 6)

  • if nanny checks are enabled and there is a nanny on the lot, PTO will not be transferred
  • if shared parenting checks are disable, the game behaves as if the mod was not installed for this family

Options - Sims

The 'Sims ...' menu determines which additional life stages are considered as children and adults (see image 5)

  • including toddlers as child enables adults to share parenting of sim toddlers
  • including children as child enables adults to share parenting of sim children. Enabling children automatically enables toddlers, while disabling toddlers automatically disables children (unless debug mode is enabled)
  • including teens as adult enables teens to share parenting of children

Options - Status

The 'Status ...' menu item has further entries that control additional restrictions on the carer checks (see image 7)

  • if the adult has a 'carer credentials card', they are a designated carer of any child in the family, regardless of blood relationships
  • if the parent donor of PTO is a member of the family (absent parents can be made to donate their PTO by disabling this check)
  • if the parent donor of PTO is alive (ghosts retain any PTO they died with). Disabling the alive check automatically disables the family member check, enabling the family member check automatically enables the alive check - as ghosts are in a family of their own (unless debug mode is enabled)

Options - Family

The 'Family ...' menu item has further entries that control what types of adult-child relationships are used to determine of the adult is sharing parenting (see image 8)

  • if the adult is engaged or married to a parent of the child
  • if the adult is a grandparent of the child (technically the adult is a parent of the child's parent with available PTO)
  • if the adult is a (half-)brother/sister (ie a sibling) of the child (technically if the adult and child share a parent with available PTO)
  • if there are only two adults in the family, regardless of blood relationships

Changing Time/Day/Season

In addition to the shared parenting options, the planner can be used to (see image 9)

  • change the time, both hours and minutes
  • change the day of the week
  • change the current season
  • change the day of the season

Carer Credentials Card

The card looks like a credit-card (see image 3) and can be found under Misc -> Misc and costs $0

It has one menu option - 'Put Away' that places the card directly into the sim's inventory

Configuration - BCONs

Configuring the default behaviour of Shared Parenting is done via BCONs in the WH_SharedParentingPlanner.package file.

BCON 0x1003 - Shared Parenting Config


There are two values '0x00 - Global Options' and '0x01 - Family Options' that control the behaviour of the mod for any family (ignore the fact that one is called 'Global' it's actually local to the family). Each value consists of a set of bit flags, the meaning of which is document in the other two BCONs

BCON 0x1004 - Global Options Meanings

All these can be set on a per family basis via the Planner's menu items

  • Bit 1 - Include Toddlers (default on)
  • Bit 2 - Include Children (default on)
  • Bit 3 - Nanny Check (default off)

BCON 0x1005 - Family Options Meanings

All these can be set on a per family basis via the Planner's menu items

  • Bit 1 - Include Teens as Adults (default on)
  • Bit 2 - Carer Check (default on) (are carer credential cards being checked)
  • Bit 3 - Sharing Check (default on) (is the mod on for this family)
  • Bit 4 - 2 Adults Check (default on) (are there only two adults in the family)
  • Bit 5 - Relationship Check (default on) (is the adult engaged/married to the parent of the child)
  • Bit 6 - Grandparent Check (default on) (is the adult a parent of a parent of the child)
  • Bit 7 - Sibling Check (default off) (does the adult and child have a common parent)
  • Bit 8 - Family Member Check (default on) (is the donor parent a member of this family)
  • Bit 9 - Alive Check (default on) (is the donor parent alive)

More Examples

1a) Abby and Arun are newlyweds and, soon after returning from honeymoon, have a new addition to their family, Alan. Arun is keen to share the parenting, and can use Abby's PTO, under the 'biological parent' rule

1b) Abby, realising she's made a huge mistake, runs off with the postie, Amanda. Arun can no longer use Abby's PTO as she is no longer a member of the family. To resolve this, the player places the 'Shared Parenting Planner' somewhere on the lot and disables the 'Family Check'

1c) Abby dies in a freak mail-machine accident. Arun can no longer use Abby's PTO as she is dead. To resolve this the player uses the 'Shared Parenting Planner' to disable the 'Parent Living' check (ghosts get to keep any PTO!).

2a) Bev, a teenage single mum of Beth, lives with her parents, Brenda and Brian, and her younger brother Bill (a sim child). Both Brenda and Brian can stay home from work to look after Beth, under the 'parent of a parent' rule

2b) Bev applies for, and gets into, university, leaving Beth with her parents. Brenda and Brian can no longer use Bev's PTO as she is no longer a member of the family. To resolve this, the player places the 'Shared Parenting Planner' somewhere on the lot and disables the 'Family Check'

2c) Bill becomes a teen and takes a job at the local petrol station, which he hates. However, if he skives off night-shifts he CANNOT use Bev's PTO (as he's not a sibling of Beth, but a sibling of the parent of Beth) If the player wants Bill to use Bev's PTO they will have to give him a 'Carer Card'.

3a) Clive, a widower with a young son, Chas, and an older daughter, Clare, has fallen in love with his home-help, Chloe, and she has moved in. Chloe and Clive can use each other's PTO under the 'two adults' rule.

3b) Clare becomes a teen and can use Clive's PTO under the 'sibling rule', but Chloe no longer can (three adults in the family). Disabling 'Teens are Adults' would re-enable Chloe, but the player wants Clare to help with Chas, so gives Chloe a 'Carer Credentials Card' enabling her to use Clive's PTO again.

3c) Clive proposes to Chloe, and she accepts. Chloe no longer needs the 'Carer Credentials Card', as she can use Clive's PTO under the 'engaged/married to a biological parent' rule.

3d) Chas has become a sim child while Chloe has given birth to Christine. Clive can use Chloe's PTO to look after Christine as the biological father. If the player wants Clare to help with Christine, they will need to give her a 'Carer Credentials Card' (as she is not a 'sibling with a common parent' of Christine and there are now three adults in the family)

4a) Debbie and her toddler Dawn, Emily and her baby Ethan, Frances and her baby Florence all live with their 'great-aunt' Gertrude. Gertrude is given a 'Carer Credentials Card' so she can use any PTO the three women obtain

4b) Gertrude needs to go shopping, so employs a Nanny for the afternoon. However, the Nanny is still on the lot when the 'missed work' check is performed by the game (one hour before coming home time). If the player has used the 'Shared Parenting Planner' and enabled the 'Nanny Check', Gertrude will not get paid for the day and her work performance will suffer

5a) Helen and Heidi are living together, but not engaged/married. Helen is the mother of teen Haylee; Heidi has baby Harold with a different father. For Helen or Haylee to be able to use Heidi's PTO to watch Harold they would need a 'Carer Credentials Card', as neither are a blood relative and there are three adults in the family, also Helen is not in a relationship with Heidi

5b) Helen proposes to Heidi and she accepts. Helen no longer needs a Carer Card (as she is in a relationship with Harold's parent), but Haylee still needs the Carer Card if she is going to continue looking after Harold (while she is now is half-step-sister, there is still no blood tie)

6a) Iris (a plant sim) is married to Ivan; Iris has a plantbaby Izzy. Ivan can look after Izzy, under both the '2 adults' and 'in a relationship with parent' rules.

6b) Izzy ages to adult and Ivan turns into a plantsim and produces a plantbaby, Imogen. As Izzy is not a 'sibling with a common parent', she is unable to watch Imogen. To resolve this the player gives Izzy a 'Carer Credentials Card' (The 'ideal plantsim' being a parent of both Izzy and Imogen plays no part in forming blood relationships.)

7a) Janet and John have two teenage children (James and Jemima) and a toddler (Janice). Both Janet and John work afternoon to early evening, leaving before the teens return from school, so employ a Nanny. The teens should work afternoons, but have a tendency to 'forget' to go to work. To stop the teens from using the parent(s) PTO, the player uses the 'Shared Parenting Planner' and enables the 'Nanny Check', such that if the teen also forgets to dismiss the Nanny, they won't get paid for 'baby-sitting'. (Unfortunately, if they do dismiss the Nanny, there is no way to stop them both getting paid and using two days of their parent(s) PTO. The player could disable 'Include Teens As Adults', but then neither would get paid. Some scenarios just cannot be handled automatically)

As reported by LilSister @MTS

8a) Alana stayed home from work (she is an employee at her grandmother's herbal store), and her husband Adisa went to work (he is a soccer player). Alana never received a missed work notification and about 3:15 pm the message appeared that she stayed home to take care of the little ones and used one day of Adisa's vacation time. One day was deducted from Adisa's time and she got paid for the day. This mod makes it possible for Sims who work in Sim owned business to get PTO to care for their children contingent upon their spouse or significant other having a job that provides PTO.


Copy the three WH_SharedParentingXyz package files into your downloads directory.


Delete the three package files from your downloads directory.

Package Dependencies

WH_SharedParentingController.package depends on WH_SharedParentingPlanner.package, do NOT delete the latter without also deleting the former. WH_SharedParentingCard.package is standalone and can be deleted if the 'Carer Credentials Card' feature is not required.

Conflicts - General

Will conflict with any mod that alters the 'Sub - Warn/Fire' BHAV (0x1003) in the 'Phone Call - Incoming Call - Job Warning' (0x7F82CA75) object, or adds a BHAV to this object with an instance number of 0x1010

No known conflicts.

Known NOT to conflict with InTeen.

Conflicts - New Objects

Both the planner and the card objects have their own GUIDs so will NOT conflict with any other objects.


  • Requires Night Life or any later EP
  • Works for any career - base, expansion or custom
  • All default values are configurable via BCONs

Techy Stuff

See the PDF manual for more details.

Debug Mode

To enter debug mode, ensure testing cheats are enabled and shift-click the planner, then select 'Debug ...' and 'Enable' (see image 10). With debug mode enabled, three additional menu options are displayed when a Sim clicks on the planner - '*Debug ...', '*Test ...' and '*PTO ...' (see image 11). For full details of these additional options see the PDF manual.


  • Rosawyn @MTS for the initial idea and input during development.
  • Michelle @MTS for the credit-card base object.
  • Gdayars @MTS for the 2017 calendar base object.
  • Phaenoh @MTS for the original calendars.
  • Inge @MTS for creating the page flipping code on the original calendar.
  • geci on Deviant Art for the 4 Seasons images.
  • Chris Hatch for many valuable insights into the weird and whacky world of BHAV coding.
  • The developers of SimPE.
  • Everyone at MTS and Leefish who responded to my coding queries. Any mistakes in the implementation of their suggestions are entirely my own.
  • All the modders who took time to write tutorials, wiki pages or explanatory forum posts - some of the answers I used dated back to 2007!
  • Way too many others to mention.

'It is only by standing on the shoulders of giants that the rest of us can even see the top of the learning curve and contemplate attaining it.'


  • Full Download (includes PDF manual)
  • PDF Manual Only SharedParentingPTO_V1.pdf

Mods & Custom Content

My Sims2Tools (HCDU Plus, What Caused This, BHAV Finder, etc are located under 'Utilities (inc Notes)'

Game Play

This global mod directs a starving Sim to get leftovers from the fridge and eat them.

This global mod changes the universal 'X is HOT!' message after a Sim scopes the room to one that reflects the actual attraction the Sim feels towards the target of their affection.

Changes to the five crafting stations such that Sims using them gain an associated skill.

Burning food results in a dirty cooker.

Sims will collect all junk food in the room and then make a single trip to the waste bin.

Sims will collect all newspapers on the lot and recycle/compost them in a single trip to the bin.

When a pregnant Sim goes to 'show half' they will get the 'I'm pregnant' memory.

This global mod removes the giving of gifts after a good/dream date (does NOT affect dropping off the flower bouquet or love letter).

This global mod postpones the 'welcome wagon' if everyone is out.

This game play mod adds a tube of acne cream that can be stored in a teen's inventory and used to change their personal hygiene level for acne/spots/zits.

Two romantically involved Sims can share a shower in the shower-tub, and have extra fun while getting clean.

Changes 'Hunt Bugs' to be more social - duplicate bugs can be given as gifts or traded.

Allows clothing racks to only sell one type of garment (everyday, undies, PJs, etc).

Game Play - Work/School

This global mod directs sims at specific schools or over a certain age, to walk to/from school and not take the school bus.

This global mod directs sims at specified career levels, or in specific jobs, to walk to/from work and not take the carpool.

This mod gives the player greater control over the work-play balance for their Sims, by enabling the player to decide in advance of the car pool arriving if the Sim is going to take paid/unpaid leave or 'fake a sickie'.

Permits teens and adults to leave the lot when they would normally get the notification about leaving littles ones home alone, provided all children are going to school.

This global mod allows adults to share paid time off (PTO) (aka vacation days) while looking after the kids.


The Sims Salary Bonus Scheme rewards Sims for long service, in addition to pay increases from being promoted. Sims who remain at their current career level (pay grade) will receive pay rises as their days worked at that level increase.

A briefcase and tablet that can be snapped into a teen Sim's hand from code.

This is a school minibus replacement for the standard big yellow school bus.

This global mod permits the bonus that a Sim receives when they are promoted to be made optional.

This mod provides uniforms for children and teens enrolled in private school. Includes preg morph for female teens.

Sims 2 Love Bed Mod Cc

This mod provides uniforms for children and teens enrolled in public school. Includes preg morph for female teens.

This global mod grants want slots and locks upon obtaining life experience (job levels).

Game Play - University

This global mod changes university course length from four years to three years (eight semesters to six).

This global mod removes the time lapse between an existing Greek House member asking a Sim to pledge and the pledging Sim being able to move in.

This global mod stops NPCs moving into a dorm if there is no ShinyTyme Cooktop on the lot.

This global mod grants extra days of adult life to teens that grow up without going to university. It also removes the 'Never Went To College' negative memory.

Game Play - Vacations

While reading a magazine there is a small chance of learning the basics of a vacation skill.

A simple fix to the Mah Jong table to satisify any wants to 'Play With' one of the other players.

Increases the number of mementos that count towards the special collections when placed on the 'ShowMeOff Rack of Glory'.

Sims 2 love bed mod sims 4

Maps to the associated secret lot for a holiday destination can occasionally appear for sale in a souvenir rack.

Vacation mementos such as the pirate doubloon and secret maps can be placed on shelves.

Game Play - Gardening

All six veggie plants made buyable; plants do not need watering or tending in any way.

Two pots that can be planted with vegetables.


Allows Sims to break up from going steady, engagement or marriage with a simple phone call.

Allows Sims to add any Sim as known (and hence callable) by phone. No longer does your Sim need to have a pile of telephone directories cluttering up their hall table.

Permits children and teens to call their friends on a 'snow day'.

Adds new spells, mainly evil but some neutral and good ones as well.

This social mod adds an option for one Sim to ask another how old they are.


Aligns the lower adult education jobs with school hours and uses the school minibus as the carpool.

Careers for wanna be pop stars!


A working box of preventatives (aka condoms) for your fertile Sims.

Two display racks that can be used to purchase the ten hobby magazines.

When read, the Info Card provides a small boost to a skill or badge.

A working pregnancy test kit for your fertile Sims.

Display the numerical environment score of a room. Useful for debugging and testing rooms and the effect of adding/removing 'stuff'

Two menu boards that permit Sims to buy food.

Wooden figure with options to display the seven basic skills and the four hidden skills to two decimal places. Also displays badge progress.

A small waste paper basket that will fit under bedside tables. Mainly decorative, but will accept empty condom packets.


White blouse, blue tie, dark grey skirt with sensible black shoes combos. Short and long skirt versions, with fat and pregnant morphs.

Jumper, blue tie, dark grey skirt with sensible black shoes combo, with fat and pregnant morphs.

Teal blazer, white shirt, teal skirt with sensible black shoes combo, with fat and pregnant morphs.

Story Telling

Adds a new (harmless) 'Electrocute Me!' action to Sims.

This global mod removes the overhead meters when skilling, crafting, repairing, teaching tricks and gaining interests.

Sims 2 Love Rug

Primarily of use to story-tellers and picture takers who want to control which direction a Sim is facing or where they are looking.

Adds a new 'Run Away' action to teenage Sims.

Primarily of use to story-tellers and picture takers who want a specific thought/talk bubble above a Sim's head.


Two-tile wall mural of an angel and demon.

Set of four 2-tile disco diva murals in Red/Orange, Pink, Green and Blue. And one 7-tile mural of all four.

Three-tile wall mural of the classic reclining mud flap girl.

Sims 2 Love Bed Mod Sims 4

3-tile Olympic Rings murals on paste.

Two-tile wall mural of an romantic couple.


Two posters for your fermented juice bar.

Pictures of the four elements (air, earth, fire and water) contained within light bulbs.

A picture for fire-loving Sims.

Six black on white (very dark grey on paste) paintings of kitties.

Three paintings of orange flowers.